
The Unique Experience at ERB Studio

Spanish of the River Plate / The Unique Experience
Special Spanish Courses

Att.: Maria Darcy

Current Spanish Courses at ERB Studio

The Spanish of the River Plate / Unique Experience offers Spanish courses (traditional and River Plate) at the ERB Studio in Buenos Aires City as follows:


Spanish/Level 1  (True beginners)
Survival Spanish 1  (for tourists/travellers)
Spanish for Businesspeople  (Levels 1 and 2)


Spanish for Medical doctors / Psychiatry  (exchange programme)
Spanish for Human Resources staff  (interviews)

Scheduled days:  Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays (request of scheduled times by email according to available vacancies).

In addition to the current courses, special courses at the client´s request are specifically tailored and scheduled. The material to be used is included in the fees.

Contact the ERB Studio via email.


Maria Darcy
Head teacher